My boys have been sick this weekend. They have been so pitiful. Even today Gage, my oldest, has been weak as water. The poor boy was 8 lbs lighter this morning. I have washed 2 loads of dishes in the dishwasher(could do a third since we just finished supper), putting my third load of clothes in the washing machine and have wiped down every surface possible(with the help of my shadow)! The girl went to her daddy's building, got a pair of his rubber gloves and the disinfectant wipes and has been wiping stuff down for 2 days now. Mostly I chuckle at the sight, but the possibility of OCD does cross my mind! On the bright side, it is nice to have the help.
Steve helped with supper tonight which was really nice. On this "Wife & Mommy Monday", even a stomach bug won't keep me from being thankful! I am so thankful that God gave me some very precious people to love and care for! I covet your prayers! Stay well.
The dryer is calling!
Blessings on your tired little bones! I hope everyone is better by now!