Friday, February 15, 2013


  It's time to be frugal again and today I just wanted to help you with a few ideas on repurposing items that you probably already have in your home.  Instead of throwing so much away, you might just find a new way to use it!

  Let's start with ice trays!  These are great for freezing homemade baby food, giving you just the right portion each time.  You can also use them to freeze fresh herbs.  Just place a few herbs in each hole, cover with water and freeze.  The next time you are making a pot of soup, pull out an ice cube or two and just drop them in!  Ice trays are also great for crafty little ones.  Each compartment could be filled with different paint colors or craft items like beads or buttons for gluing.

  You can also repurpose empty baby food jars.  These could be used for storing small items like screws or safety pins(my hubby also uses empty baby wipe containers for storing items like this in his building).  You could also put labels on them or paint them with chalkboard paint(for labeling) and then fill them with dried herbs or fresh spices.

  You know those canned vegetables that you buy at the grocery?  Wash and paint your empty cans, then fill them with colored pencils, crayons or other like items.  You could also use the cans to grow your fresh herbs in or start your garden early and plant your seedlings.  This would be a great way to involve your kids in some great homeschooling science!

  Lots of ideas on being more frugal, would love to hear your repurposing ideas, I'm sure there are many that I have not thought of!  Leave a comment and share your frugalness!  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... let's see... repurposing. Like using old/torn undershirts and socks as cleaning rags-- paper towel usage is almost zero!

    Or how 'bout plastic containers? We use empty margarine and sour cream tubs for storage of leftovers, or for 'take-n-toss' snack holders, or to bring food to a friend and not leave any dishes that they would feel obligated to return. Just my 2 cents!
