Monday, February 18, 2013

Mommy Monday

  I've been thinking a lot lately about the personalities of my children and I wonder if anyone else has a child where your personalities clash?  I do!  For me, it is my middle child, my only daughter.  Some people say that it is because our personalities are so alike, I believe it to be true! 

  Macy is 9 and she is a little girl who knows what she wants.  She is very passionate about the people she loves and enthusiastic about the things she loves to do.  She hates to be idol and loves busy work.  She will gladly fold towels and wash cloths while the boys plop down in front of a movie and just the other day she was begging me to let her iron pillow cases(yes, I'm serious).  She will help me with any task, but will melt down when asked to go and do a task on her own.  This is where, I think, the clashing begins.  Not only is she my precious little girl, she is also my shadow!

  On the days that are filled with chaos and running to and fro, I have literally stepped on my little shadow.  On the days that are filled with frustration and no quiet time, I have fussed at my little shadow.  But today......and everyday......I adore this precious little person who longs to be like her mommy!

  Just this morning I read a great article on the Focus on the Family website and it said to always look for the positives in your child's personality.  So on those chaotic, frustrating, noisy, busy days, I see a child who hugs and kisses her brothers when they are hurt or upset, a child who offers to give her little brother a bath because I have so much to do and who even picks out his pajamas and reminds him to brush his teeth.  She helps with the laundry, the dishes, and can even prepare meals.  This is the child who gets her daddy his house shoes every evening, tells him when he's buying the wrong brand item at the grocery and at the end of the day, climbs in the chair with him as they cover up with her favorite pink blanket.  She is my sweet child, my shadow!

  Philippians 4:8  ...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely.......think on these things.

1 comment:

  1. I have the same issue with Lillie except it's exactly the opposite, she's independent and I'm her shadow and that's been really hard for know just to step back and let her do things on her own whether she has sucess or's hard, especially where school is concerned. Thanks for keeping it real. God gave us our kids and he made them all different...each of mine has their own different quirks and God will give us wisdom how to best raise each one. Love you and thanks!
