Have you ever just stopped and thought about what your priorities should be? What should come first? I can't tell you how often I ponder things like this, probably because mine are so out of order!
I have recently discovered a blog called "a holy experience" that is written by a lady named Ann Voskamp. It is so beautifully written, so eloquent. One of her posts is what she calls her Sanity Manifesto. It is a list of about 25 rules(for lack of a better word) that she allows to guide her through each day. It is the first 3 points on the Manifesto that really reached out and grabbed me!
1)WORD IN - God's word......read it, study it, soak it in!
2)WORK OUT - Physically, do some exercise! It will make you more alert, clear your mind, and it's just plain good for ya!
3)WORK PLAN - Here she talks about our habits and how sometimes we need to give our habits a makeover.
What a great way to start each day! And, I have found that if something matters to you, you will make time for it. If it doesn't, you will make excuses. So when you lay your head on your pillow and all is quiet, take a moment to think about the things that matter(or should matter) most in your life. I definitely have some habits in my life that need a drastic makeover!
So, this is what my new list of priorities will look like:
1)SPENDING TIME WITH MY LORD! **What if you made a new friend and you knew that you wanted this friendship to last. You would make a point of calling your new friend and find ways to spend time with them - lunch, chatting over a cup of coffee, etc. If you made no effort to contact your friend and he/she did not contact you, you wouldn't end up being very good friends. It is the same with Jesus! He wants you to make every effort to spend time with Him(Word In)!
Really this is as far as I've gotten, wanna know why? I let too many other things consume my time and I want to get this one right before I move on to anything else! I do read my Bible, but what about the days that I oversleep and have to start breakfast for my littles as soon as my feet hit the floor. I do read my Bible, but what about the mornings that Facebook is more important. I do read my Bible, but..........do you see one of my habits? I do spend time with the Lord, but it is not FIRST on my list - this makes me very sad! How I long to spend more time with my dearest friend!
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