Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A year of crockpotting

  Do you remember how I've said that I don't do all tasks well?  There are days that are better than others and on a really good day I will have washed a few loads of laundry, cleaned and put away the breakfast dishes and will have supper in the crockpot before lunch time.  Now in all honesty, I probably only use my crockpot about 2-3 times per month, but let me say that it is one appliance I have that is grossly underused!  On those really good days, it makes me feel so good to have a large white bowl cooking our dinner with no assistance needed from me.

  With that said I want to tell you about a lady named Stephanie O'Dea!  She is a best selling author, a mom and a blogger.  A few years ago she made a committment to use her crockpot, everyday, for an entire year.......everyday.  Below is the link to all her crockpot recipes.  She also has pics of each recipes, list of ingredients, and she even tells you if her family liked it or not.  So, if you need a night off from the kitchen and you have a crockpot, I say "put that baby to good use"!


Happy Tasty Tuesday y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I love her site and that she has tons of gluten free options!! I need to use my crockpot more too!
