Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We Homeschool Wednesday

  I have so many exciting things to share with you today!  First I want to say that if you have not been to a Homeschool Curriculum Fair, I highly recommend it.  Many fairs have already come and gone, but Chattanooga has one coming up in July.  To find out more information, go to  I also recommend any used curriculum sales that you can find.  It is true what they say:  "One man's junk is another man's treasure"!  I have found some wonderful items at used sales.

  Second, I want to share how important it is to educate yourself about homeschooling.  The more you know, the better decisions you will make!  I am currently trying to learn more about "unschooling" and "interest-led learning".  I have never wanted our schooling experience to be about scheduling math from 9 to 9:30 or how many worksheets we do.  And although math is part of our daily routine, I love more of a hands-on approach or the times that my kids pick up a book and seek out information for themselves.

  I have recently found a few blogs that I am really enjoying.  Blogs are another great way to learn more about educating your children at home.  When others have already experienced the things that you are about to embark on, they will often share ways that will make your journey much easier and more enjoyable.

1.  10 tips for gentle homeschooling: 

2.  Letting go of the school mentality:

3.  Down a rabbit trail:  Interest-Led Learning:

  There are so many different approaches to homeschooling.  Part of learning more will help you to decide what methods inspire you and what methods you want no part of!  Read as much as you can, take notes, save websites/blogs that you have found to your "favorites" on your computer - You've got this momma!  Our precious Lord has equipped us for such a time as this!


  1. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE This Stacie!!!!! You are so right, we are equipped to deal with homeschooling our children, no matter what may come.
