Wednesday, March 27, 2013

When choosing a curriculum

  I have never regretted my decision to homeschool.  I am so thankful for a wonderful opportunity to teach and train my children in a loving environment.  If you are new to homeschooling or if you have just made the decision to start, it can be a little overwhelming.  Of course, you must pick a curriculum, but there are so many out there to choose from......what is a momma to do?  I am in my sixth year of homeschooling and I will share with you what I think are some great choices for the early years.  I will also share with you some great websites that will actually help in making curriculum choices. 

  When I first started, I was terrified of failing to teach my child how to read and write, but it did not take me long to realize that no one would put in more time, have more patience, or love this child as much as I do.  I did not start with a formal curriculum until each child was 6 years old.  I wanted them to enjoy being little while they could and I knew that many things would be easier for them to understand with more maturity.  I started with Bob Jones Math and Phonics for Kindergarten and only added handwriting to this for 1st grade.  Starting out, I needed the structure of this curriculum to tell me what to do and when to do it.  By grade 2, I had new ideas!  I was much more eclectic and pulled from several different sources.  Now, with a few years under my belt, I use my Bible, a math curriculum, and my library card.  I would consider myself very relaxed, I love the idea of interest led learning, and enjoy discussing books with the kids that we have read aloud.  They do read on their own as well, we also do some copywork, and on a really good day we do nature studies and even watch episodes of Drive thru History.

  The best advice that I could give to a new homeschooler is to do your best to get out of a "classroom" mindset.  You do not have to do math from 9:00 to 9:20, spelling from 10:00 to 10:15, and you do not have to do 4000 worksheets on what you've just learned!  Your child will tell you if they don't understand, then you just go over the material as many times as you need to until they get it.  I would also suggest lots of hands-on activities.  Go outside and put mentos in a bottle of coke, find things in nature that are unique and then look them up on the computer, build a fort, ride bikes together for PE.  The possibilities are endless!

  When mine were younger we loved "Five in a Row".  It gives you the names of books that you can find at your local Library.  You read the chosen book five days in a row(hence the name of the curriculum) and then it gives you several activities to choose from for each day.  My kids loved this!  I also highly recommend Bob Jones, especially for the early grades.  It is very colorful and fun, it is also very effective.  I would also suggest that you read, read, read to your little one!  Read great classic literature like The Tale of Peter Rabbit(by Beatrix Potter) and When We were Young and other Winnie the Pooh classics(by A.A. Milne).  Think of it as an adventure, not a job!

  When looking at curriculum choices, there are a couple of websites that have parent reviews.  These are a great resource to find out how others liked/disliked a curriculum before you spend money on it!  Also, talk to other homeschoolers that you know, go to a curriculum fair in your area, these are great ways to learn more about all the wonderful teaching aides that are at your fingertips.



  I love my job.......I mean, my adventure!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love for my children

  I have pondered, so much lately, the love that I have for my children.  I see young mothers with their babies or hear the cries of little ones in the grocery and I go to that place.  It's a small place, I think, but it lives deep in my heart.  It is that place where I can feel the tiny heartbeat of my baby as it sleeps on my chest, I can feel and smell their sweet small breath on my face.  It is a place where their tiny head rests gently in the bend of my arm and their little body fits perfectly in my arms.  It is a place where their small warm hand touches my face and their wet puckered lips kiss my cheek.  This wonderful place is filled with tender hugs, precious smiles and the love of a mother's heart.  

  I love this memorable place and sometimes it even makes me long for another child, but how truly and deeply thankful I am for the three precious children that God gave me!  It is in these times of pondering that the chaos and struggles of life just seem to melt away.  The long days seem too short and the important things rise to the surface.  These are the moments when love shines most brightly.  

  I have always admitted that I am a very sentimental person, I guess this post is proof of that.  I just know that I want these memories, feelings and smells, to be burned in my mind for as long as I live!  I know that I don't want motherhood to be a job with distinct tasks, but instead, I want it to be a joy!  Psalm 4:7 says, "Thou hast put gladness in my heart..." and Psalm 23:5 says, " cup runneth over."

  Thank you Lord for the gift of motherhood!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shredded beef tacos

  I actually sat down and made a menu plan before going to the grocery last week.  I am so proud of myself.  Normally, I don't have very many quiet moments to spend the time on it, but I must say that it is well worth the trouble.  It saves me money at the grocery and it saves me having to come up with meal ideas through the week. 

  This is one of the meals that I have planned for this week:

  Enjoy something yummy, it's Tasty Tuesday!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Finally, we are well

  Well, what they say is true!  If one gets sick, they all will get it!  Kind of like, "if you build it, they will come".  We came, we ran fevers, we coughed, we slept and.....we are done!  I am thankful to say that we are all on the mend.  Being sick and puny for 2 1/2 weeks is absolutely no fun.  I have to say that for the 3 days that I held the couch to the floor, my sweet hubby and my littles totally came through!  While hubby picked up necessities from the grocery and dinner from the local fast food, my littles dusted, vacuumed, sorted laundry and even cooked noodles when the troops were starving.  The question is, should I act sick a little more often?

  I really hate being sick.  Mommy isn't supposed to get sick anyway, you know!  I am so glad to be off the couch and to not be in such a fog.  I am also glad that a wonderful, intelligent individual was so inclined to invent "Pinterest"!  Thank you wonderful, intelligent individual!  If you are sick with sore throat, cough and head congestion, have I got a great link for you.  Just click and find out how to make these homemade vicks shower discs.  When you feel yucky, you just toss one of these into the shower with you!  Note to self:  you want to learn more about essential oils.

  I pray that you all stay well!

Monday, March 4, 2013

30 Ways to Love your Husband

  As I have mentioned before, I adore my husband, love him dearly.  Sometimes, I am so busy being mommy that I forget to be wife.  Today I am sharing, from another blog, some great ways to remind your husband that you love him.  And remember, our husbands were here before our children came, and they will be here when our children have left home.  The relationship between husband and wife should always be cared for and nurtured.


Friday, March 1, 2013

The $5.00 bill savings plan

  The $5.00 bill savings plan.  Has anyone heard about this?  What you do is, anytime you find that you have a $5.00 bill in your possesion, you set it aside instead of spending it.  Save it, somewhere.  Maybe in an envelope in your sock drawer or something, but save it.  Eventually all those $5.00 bills will add up.  Apparently there was a woman who did this and at the end of a year she had saved $12,000.00 - WOW!  I'm guessing she came across a lot more $5.00 bills than I will, but I am going to give my first challenge.  Who's with me?  Join my $5 bill savings plan challenge!  I am going to give it a try and see what happens.

  If $5 is too much, you could also do $1.00 bills!  I am thinking that there has to be a better way to afford a vacation or a more expensive purchase besides putting it on a credit card.  Now only savings $5 at a time may take me a while to save much, but I'm up for it!  By not charging your credit card and accruing interest, you would be making a frugal decision!  By waiting until you have saved, to spend your money, you know that you are not acting on impulse(delayed gratification).  Not buying on impulse is also a great way to be frugal.

  In about six months or so, I will let you know how I've done so far.  Have a great weekend!